Let me tell you that the StarLizard's Universe is no simple thing. Tidbits alone are very hard to express, so please bear with me while I take you through the basics of understanding its very unique and peculiar turf.
The StarLizard was born in an era that has no boundaries. Don't try to find a map or stop for directions - typically, it goes where it pleases, no matter the destination. It has no goal, no plan, no schedule. The StarLizard very much lives in the moment, to my endless fascination and dread.
For you see, the StarLizard has taken over my mind and soul, and guides my every artistic impulse. It takes me on journeys of atrocious bliss and wonder, and leaves me panting, yet begging for more. It knows no mercy, knows no end. The StarLizard is very much part of me...or maybe I'm part of it. It dictactes my mood, my impulses, my very self. We are one, and yet we are two - for I feel its powerful impulse and try to deny it, yet am always pulled into the undertow.
The StarLizard saved me from myself, and in return, I let it go wild in the Universe of Creativity. It's our deal, our bond, our pact. I let it free so I can live, and it lets me live a life I would never have thought possible.
Hence 'The Wall'.
Until not so long ago, I controlled the StarLizard. Much to my now clear mind's dismay, I was taming an amazing free spirit that only begged to be let free. My life and the way I saw the world prevented me from allowing such raw power to take over the little control I thought I had over the Universe. Life being what it is, something broke and left me open to the world. The StarLizard took over.
Never in my life have I felt so free. It started with an innocent doodle...heh, drawing on the wall, how unorthodox and naughty...just a little innocent doodle, that's all. Just a star. Nothing big. Whoop! What fun...Ok, that's it. Enough crazyness for one day.

Only that wasn't it. That star was the start of an adventure, one that seems will never stop. I woke up the StarLizard, gave it a right to take over. My defenses were down, my markers were up, and there went the wall. And I thougth 'Oh well, just a few more strokes...'. And then there was the ceiling. And um...well. There we are.
I have unleashed a free spirit onto the wall, and opened a window into my soul. I AM the StarLizard, am consumed by it, am giving into it. The Wall is but a token of its power and wonder. My newfound mind is the true token of its power, gentleness and drive.
See for yourself.
I wake up every morning amazed at what it's left behind. And refreshed at what's gone from my mind to The Wall. Better out there than in here, I'll tell you that much.
I'll post updates. Hope the StarLizard can reach out to you, and I wish you happy wall doodles. The minds knows now bounds - don't let it down.
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